This article will present a brief and straightforward Preterism definition that describes what it means in theory and in practice. Preterism is a scholarly term that most Christians may be unfamiliar with. First it may be worthwhile to explain what Preterism is not, and so avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.
What Preterism is NOT
It must be emphasized that Preterism is not a church or a Christian denomination. Preterists can be found worshipping in all mainstream Christian churches, including Baptists, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Catholics, Orthodox and others.
Preterism Definition
Preterism is a way of interpreting and understanding the Bible, in order to deepen understanding and make sense of the Christian faith in light of history and scientific knowledge. It does not revise or attempt to explain away the Bible. Rather it looks for evidence of Biblical truth in the historical record.
Preterism as a term derives from the Latin ‘Praeter’, which means ‘what is past’. The core argument of Preterism is that the Biblical prophecies regarding the Second Coming and the End-times have already come to pass.
Partial Preterism
As the name suggests, people who accept Partial Preterism believe that some of the Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled, while others still lie in the future.
Full Preterism
Full Preterism asserts that all the Biblical Prophecies have already been fulfilled. This includes the complete body of prophecy associated with the end-times that is found in the Books of Revelations, Hebrews, the Pauline letters, Isaiah, Daniel, Joel, Psalms and the Gospels of Matthew and John. This might appear shocking or controversial at first, until a careful examination of first-century Roman history reveals the complete truth of all that Jesus predicted.
Unbelievable as it sounds, evidence for the Second Coming, The Rapture, and the ‘Last Judgment’ can all be found in the writings of non-Christian first century historians.
How Preterism solves many problems
Taken as a whole, the Preterist interpretation of the Bible addresses all the points of controversy and confusion in contemporary Christianity. These issues include the contentious questions:
* When will Christ return?
* How old is the Earth?
* Does science contradict the Bible?
Preterism allows a rational and fully scientific, historical account of the Bible whilst re-affirming its inerrant truth. Preterism gives a foundation for Christians and scientists to resolve their differences and move forward together in a new era of faith.
Revelation Revolution offers a comprehensive Preterist interpretation of Biblical prophecy that is true to scripture. Their website has a ton of great information for believers and those that want to be inspired. Contact them today for further information.
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