Month: March 2014

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Simple Rules To Avert Plumbing Disasters

Plumbing problems can quickly become nightmares while you sleep. They can seemingly appear out of nowhere, making their smelly presence felt after you some home from a hard day of work. They can greet you after a night out with wet feet. Nothing is worse than trying...

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Gutter Repair Connecticut Can Save Your Building

Residential or commercial, rain gutters don't get much attention. We tend to think of them the same way we think of the trim on a building; a nice, mostly-cosmetic touch. That's a shame, too, because the function of gutters can be critical to the well-being of a...

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Atlanta DJ Music at Its Best

Everyone knows a DJ can quite literally make or break a party. There is nothing worse than going to what is supposed to be the hottest party of the year and sitting down the whole time because the music was a disaster. If you are in Atlanta, DJ music here is some of...

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