Month: April 2019

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Fashion done right at the eye clinic

NYC is no stranger to high fashion and glam. In fact there are amazing clothing boutiques with amazing wardrobe selections from some of today’s best fashion designers. These fashion designers are well known for designing everything from the clothes a person wears, the...

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Tips to make your move go smoothly

The average person is going to move several times throughout his or her life. While the moving process is never fun, there are some things you can do to make it less painful. Here are some tips to follow to make sure moving day goes as smoothly as possible. Make sure...

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The benefits of waste recycling

The words reduce; re-purpose and recycle are words that are heard every day. People are aware that reducing the amount of waste material that ends up in landfills stretches the life expectancy of the site; it also helps to limit the dangerous carcinogens that get into...

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