3 Questions to Ask a Tampa Bankruptcy Law Firm Tampa Bankruptcy Law Firm

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Meeting with a Tampa bankruptcy law firm can feel like an intimidating experience, but it doesn’t need to be. Filing for bankruptcy is one of the most powerful tools you have for regaining control of your finances. Scheduling a meeting, exploring your options, and discussing your case is one of the best ways to begin.

What questions should you ask when you meet with a Tampa bankruptcy law firm before filing?

1. Do I qualify for bankruptcy?

First and foremost, you need to know if you qualify for bankruptcy. Just about everyone can file, but whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 varies from case to case.

It’s also important to consider whether bankruptcy really is your best option. Most people have a very dire financial situation before they consider filing, but it doesn’t have to be a last resort. If you suspect trouble is on the horizon and you’ve had financial concerns for some time, it might be time to look into bankruptcy, even if you aren’t yet desperate.

2. Which chapter is best for me?

As mentioned earlier, not everyone qualifies for certain chapters of bankruptcy. If you have a job and a steady income, as well as assets you’d like to protect, chances are Chapter 13 will be best for you.

However, if you aren’t concerned about assets and you are struggling to make ends meeting without much income, Chapter 7 might be the way to go.

3. How do I get started?

Once you understand your options and you know where you stand, you can make an educated decision about your situation. If you decide to file, ask the people you meet with at the Tampa bankruptcy law firm about what you need to do next to get started.

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