3 Reasons To Use A WordPress Broken Link Checker Service

by | Jan 16, 2015 | SEO

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WordPress was one of the first website and blog hosting services that was designed as an open source platform to allow people to generate their own blogs and websites with very little technical skill requirements. As of 2013 WordPress was used by almost 25% of the top million websites online and was the single most used blogging tool. If you are one of the millions that use the system you need to also use a WordPress broken link checker.

A broken link checker is designed to constantly scan your WordPress pages, and check each and every link automatically and whenever needed. Then, without you having to do anything else, you will receive an email that lets you know the broken links detected and even highlights them in the system for easy identification and correction.

Ensuring Sales

Using a WordPress broken link checker ensures that all your links from your blogs, guest blogs and informational articles are live and working. This means that when readers click on the link to go to your website to make a purchase they get to your site every time.

If, for some reason, the link fails you will be notified through the report after the the scan is completed. This allows you to be proactive in catching and correcting broken links.

Professional Appearance

There is nothing that turns people off of a website faster than pages that don’t load and links that don’t work. A broken link checker will prevent the latter from being an issue.

Often people associate broken links with scam websites, possible security issues online and even untrustworthy information. By eliminating the risk of your readers ever clicking on a dead link you will rise up through the search engine rankings. Keep in mind that broken links can adversely impact your status in many different ways.

Always remember that a simple and low cost service specifically for checking broken links has a huge benefit to your bottom line. Users will trust your website because all links are working, and this has the potential to increased sales, which is the most important factor overall.

Check out some important reasons on why to use a wordpress broken link checker service?. Visit us online to find the best price plans for your website.

For more information on the benefits of using a WordPress broken link checker visit us online. Details of our service can be found at Website Domain.

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