3 Signs You Have A Blockage In Your Chilliwack Pipes And Require Expert Plumbers

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That sinking feeling you get when you hear gurgling in a sink, or water backs up in the tub when you flush the toilet. We get it. Blockages happen in places you can’t see. You don’t know it’s there until something backs up or overflows.

Plumbers Chilliwack want you to know these three signs you have a blockage and call them forthwith.

1. Terrible Smell

When a blockage occurs, sewerage can’t move. It sits in your pipes and decomposes. This produces an awful smell. It can make you physically ill. When you sniff out this terrible smell, call your plumber immediately.

2. Drainage Problems In More Than One Appliance

If washing your hands in the kitchen sink makes the water level in the toilet drop, then you have a blockage in the main line. Flushing the toilet only to find water backing up into the tub means you have a blockage in your main line. Time to call the plumber.

3. Slow Drainage

If it takes forever for the tub or any of the sinks to drain, then you have a blockage in your main line. Grease, soap scum, hair, and toilet paper are the major causes of blockages. Beware using commercially prepared drain cleaners. They’re caustic and will weaken the material of your pipes. Moreover, they just sit on top of the clog without eating away at it. Call plumbers Chilliwack instead.

PenTech Plumbing & Mechanical LTD is your go-to source for plumbing blockages. Contact us at https://www.pentechplumbingmechanical.com to learn more about it.

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