A Brief FAQ About Liposuction

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Health

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If you live in Schaumburg and you are concerned about fat deposits in your body, you may be interested in liposuction. Liposuction in Schaumburg is a very common procedure that is done to remove this fat from your body and will help to contour your figure. Common places to get liposuction in Schaumburg include the lower back, you bottom, your thighs, stomach and hips. Liposuction is a very safe surgical procedure but people often have questions. Here are some of the most common:

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

Many people wonder if they are a good candidate for liposuction. One of the things that can make you a good candidate is if you have fat deposits on your body that you cannot get rid of with exercise. Another requirement of liposuction is that you need to be in good mental and physical health and should be fairly close to your ideal body weight. You also will be required to have realistic expectations following the procedure and you should have no heart problems. You will also need to be a non-smoker, or at least quit for about 10 days in advance of the procedure and if you are obese, you will need to lose weight before the procedure.

How Does Liposuction Work?

The liposuction procedure is fairly simple. You will be put under sedation and your surgeon will make small incisions in your target area. Then will then use a very thin, metal straw that will suction out the fat in your body. While removing the fat they will be sculpting your shape. When finish, a few stitches will be all they need to close up the small incisions.

Is Liposuction Permanent?

Finally, many people will wonder if liposuction is permanent. It is not considered permanent, however, it is likely, if you put more fat on your body, that it will be spread around and not focused on that one area any longer. Your best bet is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and work to limit the accumulation of fat on your body. Having a regular exercise routine, proper nutrition and good sleep patterns will help to ensure the results of your liposuction procedure will last for a very long time.

For more information on liposuction contact a local clinic that performs this procedure.

When looking for liposuction in Schaumburg, contact the Dr. Bradley Ashpole. Click here to know more.

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