Why Flat Roof Owners Need Roofing Contractors Poulsbo WA

by | Nov 12, 2018 | Roofing

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Flat roofs may be high maintenance, but they are very nice for many homeowners. Since such a roof does not have a pitch associated with many other roofs, a lot of effort is needed to ensure that water drains properly. Other than drainage, this roof is also at risk of many other problems such as splitting and blistering. However, the following tips can be very useful in taking proper care of it and also avoiding these common issues.

Always ensure that the roof is clean. Due the roof’s flat nature, you must ensure that all dirt, leaves and any other objects are removed as soon as possible. This is key in preventing possible damage. You can keep it safe from leaves and tree branches by trimming any dead parts from trees close to it. In case you need to have this dirt removed, it is advisable to look for roofing contractors in Poulsbo WA to blow it away rather than tread the roof yourself.

Other than keeping the roof clean, gutters and pipes around it have to be kept dirt-free in order to facilitate drainage. In case of dirt build up in these gutters, you are likely to suffer from ponding that can damage the roof’s structure or even cause leakages. A professional roofing contractor should be called in to check on your gutters especially during the rainy season.

Although these roofs are flat, they have a slanting surface for water run-off. What many homeowners who have them fail to understand is that accessing and treading these roofs is likely to damage this slant and cause ponding. When this water is unable to flow, the roof deteriorates very quickly, and you may be required to replace it. However, you can avoid this by restricting access to the roof and only let qualified roofing contractors Poulsbo WA tread it when necessary.

Lastly, you can carry out roof inspections every couple of months. During this exercise, look for bubbles, blisters and ruptures that may exist on the roof. Furthermore, the roofs interior needs to be checked for dark spots or stains which usually occur as a result of water damage. These guidelines can help you avoid costly repairs by catching any problems early enough.

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