The Technical Know-How that Will Improve Printing Service in NYC

by | Apr 2, 2014 | Business

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There are many extremely talented people that can create some absolutely brilliant designs. Album covers are created using advanced photo editing and image creating programs. Flyers are designed using popular software and image filters that alter the image with precise and calculated detail. Through all this, people find excellent ways to promote a visual component to their art.

But this does not mean the final print will be as high quality and crisp. In a lot of cases, some really poor art can come out of some great digital images. Why does this happen?

On a technical level, the image needs to be created using a high pixel count. This is also known as the DPI or image resolution. When people refer to 720p or 1080 or different numbers, they are generally referring to the clarity of the pixel count. In images, 300 dpi is higher grade and 105 is a lower grade. Printing Service in NYC images need to be created on a higher visual level.

The computer monitor may be displaying an image nice and clean, but the final print barely represents that images digital crispness. A printing service in NYC specializes in conforming an image to a nice high quality. This will allow the image to not be blurred upon a final print. For the sake of marketing, blurring and lower quality images will simply not do. They are ineffective, and they do not look professional.

It does not cost more, generally, to create an image in a higher quality and print it as such. What changes the cost most often is the paper quality as well as the quantity of colors. The standard is 4 color offset. 4 colors seems to be a nice middle ground between extremely complex images that have a lot to them, and the straightforward and simple images that are clear and instantly presentable. This would be something akin to a logo.

Postcards, greeting cards, business cards, calendars, brochures, and anything else that has a paper physical component would be improved with some higher quality imaging. This high quality is exactly what one should expect from working with the printing and commerce capital of the world in NY.

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