Experts are predicting that summer 2014 will be exceptionally hot. The best defense against the misery and health risks of a long term heat wave is preparation. The best time to start preparing is late spring. The best place to start is by making sure there is an operational and efficient air conditioner in the home. This means placing a call to a reputable HVAC contractor. This contractor will be able to service an existing unit or install a new central air conditioning unit all together. In many cases, it may be better to replace the current unit with a newer, more efficient cooling system. There are many reasons to consider purchasing a new Air Conditioner in Weatherford TX:
- A new unit will run more efficiently and result in lower utility bills
Rebates and tax credits may be available with an energy efficient cooling system
New Solar Ready Air Conditioning Systems reduce environmental impact and save money
Better to proactively replace than wait for a mechanical failure
Homeowners who have recently upgraded their air conditioning units or who have decided to keep their existing units for another season should still make an appointment with a reliable HVAC service provider. A well serviced Air Conditioner in Weatherford TX is less likely to break down, and will cool a home quickly, quietly, and efficiently. An annual check up is also an excellent opportunity to find existing issues, and have them repaired before an expensive breakdown occurs. In many cases, it may be a good idea to subscribe to a maintenance club. These clubs frequently offer after hour service discounts, provide extended warranties, and offer discounts on equipment purchases. Click Here for information about the maintenance club offered by us.
While everyone should be vigilant about being prepared for a potentially dangerous heat wave, the elderly, poor, and those who suffer from chronic illness are even less able to cope with hot weather. Sadly, these citizens are usually on a limited income, and believe that they cannot afford to purchase a new air conditioning unit or run an existing one. Anybody who is a relative or acquaintance of someone who is in danger of suffering a heat related injury due to income restrictions should encourage them to contact their local social services agency. Chances are there are funds earmarked for providing free or reduced HVAC maintenance, air conditioner installation, and monthly utility assistance.