Keep Your Smile Healthy Through Dental Care in Clayton

by | May 15, 2014 | Roofing Services

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Regular dental care is something that should never be avoided. If you are taking care of your oral health, by brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist twice a year, you are doing all you can to avoid oral health concerns that could cause tooth loss. It has been proven, people who see their dentist on a regular basis are less likely to suffer form many of the oral health concerns people face. When issues are found, they can be promptly treated through Dental care in Clayton, so your oral health is no longer compromised.

How Can Seeing the Dentist Keep Your Smile Healthy?

There are two main conditions the health of your smile can face. Both are very preventable, especially when you do your part to follow a healthy diet and practice good oral hygiene. When this is accompanied by regular preventative care dental appointments, you can rest assured your smile will stay healthy and strong.

  • Cavities are one of the conditions Dental care in Clayton can help you to avoid. Unfortunately, you may not be aware you have a cavity until it begins to affect the health of your tooth. Once it invades the inner structure of your tooth, you can experience painful symptoms and eventual tooth death. If you are seeing your dentist as often as you should, cavities can be found in their earliest stages, often before you even begin to notice any symptoms. With prompt treatment, your tooth health will not be compromised.
  • Gum disease is also a preventable and reversible condition. This disease starts off with a mild case of gingivitis, but if it goes untreated, it could turn to periodontal disease. This leads to massive infections in your gum tissue and causes the loosening of your teeth. When found in the earliest stages, gum disease is easily treated and even reversed. Your dentist can help to find any signs of the disease, so it can be treated quickly and effectively.

If you are in need of dental care, contact Forest Park Dental Care of Clayton. Forest Park Dental will take care of the health of your teeth and gums, so you can have a healthy and attractive smile.

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