No matter how hard you try to maintain a green environment, you will always find that, at some point, you bought something that is hazardous to the environment. This waste cannot just dispose of anywhere. If these hazardous products end up in a landfill, they may leach into the soils and add toxins to the groundwater. You will, therefore, need to hire a specialist in Garbage Service in CT to help you dispose of them properly. Some of the common hazardous waste include:
Old and new needles and syringes
This kind of garbage is common within clinics and big hospitals where there is daily usage of needles and syringes. They can also be found at animal treatment centers and where printers are being repaired as they are used to inject ink into the ink containers. These objects can cause serious injuries especially if they are left exposed and you get injected by an old and rusty needle. They are also non-biodegradable and cannot just be buried in the soil or burned since needles can’t be consumed by fire.
Battery types that are commonly used at home include alkaline & rechargeable, AA, AAA, D and car batteries among others. These batteries usually contain lead and other earth metals that can pollute the soil by making them acidic when they react with water. Car batteries that have lead-dioxide plates usually contain sulfuric acid. If such batteries are buried into the soil, they will increase the acidity of the soil making it unsuitable for growth of plants such as flowers.
Electronic equipment cannot be disposed of in your normal trash container. They are metallic and can hardly be consumed by fire neither are they biodegradable. Such equipment includes broken parts of a computer, TV, cell-phone, air-conditioner, microwave and radio amongst others. Consult your local environment authority to advise you on how you can dispose of these items in safely and in accordance with the law.
If you have some of the above hazardous equipment in your house that you want to dispose of, consider hiring a company that offers Garbage Service in CT. Visit site for more details.