Many new companies and businesses, and some well-established companies as well, continue to make bulk email marketing mistakes that are not only turning off customers but are also decreasing their potential for growth.
By avoiding these mistakes to start with, or identifying and changing problems with your bulk email marketing strategy, you can turn this marketing option into a real opportunity to expand business. By keeping customers interested in your emails as well as ensuring that you aren’t email too frequently you can set your email campaign to earn real income or to expand your loyal customer base.
Hard Sell Emails
There is nothing wrong with promoting your brand, product and service in your bulk email marketing campaign, but it cannot be all that the customer sees. You have to find ways to show the customers the value of the product, service or brand in their everyday lives.
Providing informative emails that make a logical link to your product or service is the only way to keep customers interested in opening your email.
Too Many Emails
It is critical to avoid sending email after email to customers. This is one of the most common mistakes found in bulk email marketing. This is particularly true when you are first starting out and may be tempted to advertise every promotion to all of your clients.
Instead, consider refining your database to allow you to send relevant bulk email marketing campaigns to specific groups of clients and customers. You can still use general emails for special sales and events, but limit the weekly emails to those that are relevant to the particular customer.
Geographic Location
Another common mistake is to use bulk email marketing to advertise to specific geographic areas. For example, if you are promoting a sale or a product that is in high demand in Texas you would not want necessarily find customers living in New York City interested in the same product.
Consider breaking your database or client lists into geographic sections as well as by interest. This further prevents the issue with too many emails but also allows customers to see that you know where they are and what they typically buy. It is a much more personal message to bulk email marketing than just blasting the same campaign to everyone coast to coast.
For more insight into bulk email marketing options visit our website. We are online at visit us website.