Applying for Disability Benefits in New Jersey

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Lawyers

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Injuries and debilitating diseases are not a light matter: they can completely devastate your ability work and make a living. If you are having trouble at work due to a physical or mental disability, you may be entitled to SSDI benefits from the Social Security Administration.

There are two types of benefits you can apply for: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The experienced staff at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur know how to help you navigate the complicated SSA system to help you apply (and get approved) for the benefit that fits your needs.

Do You Qualify for SSI?
Supplementary Security Income is a benefited awarded to three types of individuals:

*  Adults age 65 and older
Blind or disabled adults
Blind or disabled children

SSI benefits are given to individuals with low incomes and limited resources. For example, the net worth of an individual’s belongings in bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and cash on hand cannot exceed the $2,000. The Social Security Administration evaluates each applicant, and many US citizens who qualify for SSI also qualify for other welfare programs like SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and Medicaid. In 2015, the SSI Federal Payment Amounts chart says that they will award up to $733.00 to a qualifying individual, and up to $1,100.00 for qualifying couples.

Do You Qualify for SSDI?
Social Security Disability Insurance is a work-based, tax payer funded payout given to applicants with physical or mental disabilities. When most people think of the services of a disability lawyer in New Jersey, this is the type of benefit many clients are fighting for. You may qualify for SSDI if you meet the following criteria:

 *  Younger than 65 years old
 *  Have a qualifying physical or mental disability
 *  Long-term disability is severe enough to keep you from working
Worked for at least 10 years with at least 20 Social Security credits

Many individuals who apply for SSDI will be denied benefits with their first application. You have to provide detailed medical information to prove the existence and severity of your disability to have a chance at receiving these benefits for yourself and/or your family.

Get the Disability Benefits You, or Your Loved One, Deserve
Applying for SSI and SSDI benefits can be difficult, and a small mistake on your application could cost your case.  The experienced lawyers at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur proudly help communities throughout New Jersey from Atlantic County to Newark, and every county in between. 

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