3 Reasons to Have Your Heating System Inspected in the Fall

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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The winter months are quickly heating up and you can be sure that your Heating System is going to be working overtime. It is said that the winter this year is going to have many record breaking lows, so it is a good time to get your furnace inspected before the first snows fly, if they haven’t already. Many people don’t realize how important it is to have your furnace inspected, by a professional HVAC contractor like Horizon Services, before the winter truly sets in.

Below, you will find some reasons why it is best to have your Heating System fully functional before the first really cold day descends.

Waiting Times

Just like an Air Conditioning repairman in the summer, a heating repairman is extremely busy at certain times of the year. If you wait until the first snow falls and find out that your furnace is blowing cold air or simply won’t come on then you may have to wait quite a while for the repairman to make it out to your home. That translates to having a family that, because the temperature in your home is too cold, might get sick or end up going to a hotel, which will cost you a bundle.

High Electric Bills

If you have your furnace inspected before the first time you have to turn it on, you will most likely be able to save on your heating costs as well. A furnace that is in prime condition will lower your energy bills dramatically; a furnace that is faulty will shoot your heating bills through the roof instead.

Peace of Mind

If you have your furnace inspected at the beginning of the season, you are left with peace of mind and, when you hit that switch, warm air will travel through the registers and into your home for cosy warmth. You will have peace of mind because you aren’t going to be stuck waiting on a repairman to come to your home when it’s 29 degrees outside as well.

These are just a few reasons that you will want to have your heater inspected at the beginning of the fall season, instead of waiting until the last minute. You can visit Horizon Services today for more information on their heating, air conditioning, and plumbing services.

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