Revelation Fulfilled: The Preterist Approach to Revelation

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Religion

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A topic that must be addressed is whether to use the preterist, futurist, idealist or historicist approach to Revelation. According to the preterist school of thought, the question “Is Revelation fulfilled?” must be answered with a resounding “yes.” This viewpoint on Revelation fulfilled or not changes depending on the approach. A futurist believes that everything from Chapter 4 of Revelation onward has yet to occur. Meanwhile, the historicity approach believes that Revelation is a prophecy focused on church history. In comparison, the idealist approach thinks that the iconography used in Revelation are merely timeless symbols.

Has revelation been fulfilled?

Champions of preterism believe that the prophesies included in Revelation were already fulfilled during the first century. The Book of Revelation includes events that were completely fulfilled by the time the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This belief is driven by a statement in Matthew 24:34 that “this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Basically, this statement says that the prophesies of Revelation must occur before Matthew’s generation has passed away. Christians are now living in a new heaven and earth.

Dealing with the Last Days and the Implications of Revelation
If Revelation fulfilled itself in the first century, then the prophesies already occurred. The Last Days that are mentioned in Revelation would be a reference to the “last days” of Israel before Jerusalem was destroyed. Likewise, the False Prophet would be the apostate Israel because they chose not to follow Christ. Additionally, the Beast would be the symbol of the Roman Empire and Emperor Nero.

Texts that Support Preterism

There are two main texts that are commonly used to support the belief in a Revelation fulfilled. The first is Matthew 10:23. This text dictates that Christians would be persecuted in one city before they flee to the next. According to Matthew 10:23, the process of evangelizing all of the cities of Israel would not be complete until the Son of Man arrives. In Matthew 16:27,28, Matthew writes that the Son of Man will come in glory to His Father. At this time, every man will be recompensed according to his actions and some will taste death. These verses directly relate to the end of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It could also reference the fact that, until this point, some of his disciples may not have tasted death.

By using these and other texts from the Bible, preterists support the belief that Revelation has already been fulfilled. The prophesies of the Last Days, the Beast and the False Prophet can all be referenced to the time period following the death of Jesus and preceding the destruction of Israel.

A futurist believes that everything from Chapter 4 of Revelation onward has yet to occur.

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