Frequently Asked Questions About Unsafe Trees And Tree Removal In Boston

by | Jan 30, 2015 | Landscaping

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If you have an unsafe tree in your yard or on your property, contact an experienced company that performs tree removal in Boston. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about identifying unsafe trees and why you should have them removed.

Q.) What are the determining factors that make a tree unsafe?

A.) If you have a tree in your yard that’s diseased, dying or dead, it’s unsafe and you should have it removed immediately. A fungus from a diseased tree can spread to the other trees in your yard and make them all unhealthy. Large tree branches that are dead can break off and fall on your house. Dead trees can topple over in high winds and cause extensive damage to your property.

Q.) What are the signs of a diseased tree?

A.) Trees can have various types of diseases and the signs can differ depending on the kind of disease. Some common symptoms of a diseased tree are dark spots on the leaves, wilted leaves, peeling bark and dying branches. Contact a qualified landscaper to examine your tree if you suspect that it’s diseased. The landscaper can diagnose the disease and recommend a treatment or removal of the tree.

Q.) Is it necessary to have a tree removed after it’s been hit by lightning?

A.) This all depends on the severity of damage to the tree from the lightning strike. If the tree was struck only on one side, there’s a good chance that the tree will heal itself and survive. If the strike penetrated the entire trunk of the tree or caused root damage, the tree will most likely die. Watch the tree carefully over the next few months to determine if it’s going to live. If the tree doesn’t live, contact a company that specializes in tree removal in Boston to cut it down before it falls on its own.

Cambridge Landscape specializes in landscaping services, tree work, street sweeping and firewood sales.

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