Fuel Saving Tips for the Novice Driver

by | Feb 6, 2015 | Automotive

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If you have finally gotten your BC Drivers License and are ready to take to the road, it is good to have some basic tips to help you save on fuel. It will be more cost effective and also help you reduce the use of fossil fuels. Here are some fuel saving tips for the novice driver:

1. Cap It: If you just got your drivers license in BC area you may not as aware of your vehicle’s needs when filling up at the self serve gas station. It is very important to ensure your cap is nice and tight to avoid evaporation of your car’s fuel. In fact a loose cap can even set off your engine light!

2. Drive Smart: Avoid constant braking and accelerating. This is easy and safe for the novice driver. Train yourself to drive mindfully and avoid trying to zoom out the gate when the light turns green. The more you brake and accelerate the more it wastes fuel. In fact driving smart can reduce fuel consumption by as much as 33 percent.

3. Go Light: If you are one of those people driving around with everything but the kitchen sink in your trunk, stop! Always drive with a light cargo in your car. Stick to the basics and take any access cargo out to drive lighter and more efficiently.

4. Tire Health: Make sure you are driving with your tire pressure on the mark. Read your drivers manual to find out the recommended tire pressure and check it regularly so you are driving with the perfect resistance.

5. Follow the Rules: Stop speeding and watch those signs to make sure you are following the rules. Speeding wastes more gas than anything so stick to the rules to save fuel.

6. Comfort: The heat and air conditioning in your car can use up energy just like in your home. Avoid cranking the air conditioning and heating to lessen your fuel consumption. It is better to open the window or dress warmly than to keep things cranked to stay comfortable when driving.

7. Proper Checks: Follow your driver’s manual recommendations for maintenance checks so your car is always driving as efficiently as possible. Keeping check on your oil, tire condition and other things such as engine checks will reduce your fuel usage and also make your car last longer.

These basic tips can help you reduce your fuel consumption as well as make your care safer to drive.

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