Sometimes, families may decide to stop seeking out geriatric curative care medical practices and learn more about hospice and palliative care options instead. Curative care is essentially the medical practice of treating someone who has an illness with the intention of curing that person of their illness. This is a frequent practice in the medical field, and it seems entirely sensible at first glance. However, Forgo Curative Care can be painful and cause a lot of suffering for an elderly person depending on their illness. An example of curative care might include chemotherapy for someone who has cancer.
The other option for elderly patients is palliative care. Palliative care is a care option for elderly people with illnesses. Instead of trying to cure the patient, palliative care attempts to lessen suffering by treating symptoms of the illness. This type of care offers a break from pain and stress associated with illnesses unlike curative care. Curative care can be extremely painful and stressful. People who enroll in curative options at an elderly stage may often feel stress due to pressures to heal or be cured. However, given their point in life, sometimes this simply isn’t possible.
Palliative options are available for a wide number of diseases and illnesses including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure, and more. The decision to pursue this type of care treatment instead of Forgo Curative Care is an important process that needs to be communicative. For many families and elderly people, considering palliative care can be an emotional process. It’s a good idea to talk with geriatric health physicians and to primarily follow the decision of the elderly person in this process. Many elderly people will actually seek out palliative care options instead of curative care, because they want to choose an option that is easier for their bodies and mentality.
For palliative care to work legitimately, it’s a good idea for families to consider a hospice or facility option for the elderly person. Serenity Hospice & Palliative Care is one option. They offer palliative services and true compassion to a person who is suffering from an illness. To learn more about their hospice care philosophy, .