While the engine is the heart of your vehicle, the transmission plays an important role in your vehicle’s overall performance. With regular care and planned maintenance, you can extend the life of your transmission and in turn, keep your car running smoothly for years to come.
Just as you take the time to have your tires rotated and other parts of your car serviced, transmissions need regular maintenance to keep your vehicle in prime working condition.
Look, Listen and Learn
Knowing what to look for can help you diagnose potential problems early and address them before they lead to costly repairs.
* Check your driveway or parking spot for red oil marks. Red oil is a sign that you may have a fluid leak and should have the fluid levels checked. If the level is low, fill it with the proper fluid. When fluid drops below a certain level, transmissions can become damaged.
* Make sure you change your fluids regularly. Every vehicle is different. Your owner’s manual will tell you when and how to change the fluid and filter. Some mechanics recommend that your fluid be flushed or changed, along with your filter, every 30,000 miles. It really depends on the type of driving you do.
* Transmission fluid has no odor. If you are checking the fluid level and you notice a burnt smell, have a professional check for a potential problem.
* If you tow a camper, boat or pull a utility trailer with your vehicle, check the fluid on a regular basis as heavy loads take their toll on your transmission.
* If you hear odd sounds when driving or feel strange vibrations when your car shifts from one gear to another, it could also be a sign that something is not right. Transmissions should shift quietly and smoothly. Of course the faster you go, the harder the shift will be. Be alert to any unusual whining noise which is also an indication that there may be a problem.
* Always use the proper fluid in your vehicle. Check your manual to see which fluid the manufacturer recommends.
A car is a big investment. Protect your purchase with regular maintenance. Your wallet will thank you in the long run.
The technicians at Trans Works Transmissions LLC are fully trained to meet all of your transmission needs including wholesale, maintenance and repair. For a complete list of services, tips and expertise, please visit http://www.trannyman.net. You can also follow us on Twitter.