The Dentist in Katy Needs to See Patients With Tooth Injuries

by | May 11, 2015 | Dentistry

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Tooth injuries are common in all ages and can be caused by blunt trauma, car accidents and sports. When a tooth injury occurs, knowing to seek dental treatment from the Dentist Katy is crucial. Though minor injuries may wait for treatment, some injuries need to be treated as soon as possible. Prompt dental treatment can help to protect a person’s tooth health and prevent loss.

Common tooth injuries include:

  *      One of the most common injuries dentists see is cracks in the teeth. When a crack occurs, it can often be repaired by the Dentist Katy. In some instances, cracks become severe and run below the gum line and into the root. When this occurs, the dentist will normally decide to extract the tooth since necrosis will most likely occur. Cracks above the gum line are repaired with filling material.

  *      Broken teeth are also a common occurrence but can be repaired with dental treatment. The dentist will first need to smooth down any roughened edges and then fill the tooth to seal the nerve and prevent food and beverages from entering. In many cases, broken teeth are no longer stable and need to be covered with a crown. A crown can protect the tooth and keep it functioning. Visit website for more details.

  *      Chipped teeth are the easiest type of injury to repair. These rarely need any major intervention other than cosmetic repair. Chips are normally sanded down, and then composite material is used to reform the tooth, so it looks whole and natural.

  *      One of the most serious forms of tooth injuries occurs when a tooth is knocked out with the roots intact. Though this can be frightening, it can be fixed by the dentist. If the patient is able to bring the tooth with them to the dentist, he can often put it back in the socket and suture it in place until the gum tissue grows around the roots and secures the tooth.

When a tooth injury strikes, seeing the dentist right away can make a big difference in how the tooth can be repaired. For more information on treatment, contact Gentle Dental Care right away.

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