When You Need to Have Your Chimney Checked Out

by | May 19, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Fireplaces are natural gathering places during the winter. It is the chimney that does most of the work in filtering out the smoke. Your chimney is a critical part of your entire fireplace. In order to make sure that the chimney can handle this job without issues, a regular inspection is needed. These are the times in which you need a chimney inspected.

The beginning of the winter season is a good time to get a Chimney Inspection in Bergen County NJ. Before the first fire is laid down in the chimney, the chimney should be checked to make sure there is no obstacle to the smoke venting out of the system. This check will also make sure that the flume is working properly so that it opens completely to release the smoke and completely closes to keep things out of the chimney.

Another time to get an inspection is if you had a nest or animal in the chimney. An inspection needs to be done to ensure that the animals haven’t done any damage inside the chimney to the lining. Since animals also leave items behind before they are vacated, any nests should be cleared away because many are flammable and will cause issues if a fire is lit. A fire in the top of the chimney will put your entire home at risk for burning down.

If you have smoke coming into the home, you need to have a Chimney Inspection in Bergen County NJ. While the problem can be as simple as a closed flume, the issue can also be due to blockage inside the chimney. If the flume is completely open, any blockage will prevent the smoke from venting properly. The buildup of ash on the fireplace surface is a major cause of the blockage. If it hasn’t been cleaned in awhile, this ash will prevent adequate venting of the smoke.

These are the times in which you need to get an inspection in your chimney. If you need to get your chimney inspected, Contact All American Chimney and Duct Cleaning Inc to schedule an appointment. A regular inspection will help to ensure that you don’t run into problems when you want to enjoy your fireplace.

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