Brake Pad Replacement in Minneapolis for Safety Sake

by | Jun 3, 2015 | Auto Repair

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When you are driving there is very little room for error. Every single part of the vehicle has to come together to work in complete harmony so that you and other drivers remain safe. One of the best things you can do to bolster your safety in a vehicle is to have brake pad replacement in Minneapolis before a problem crops up. If you make it a habit to have your brake pads replaced regularly you will never have to worry about brake failure. Brake failure is a major cause of fatal accidents in the US. One of the easiest ways to avoid a major accident is to keep your brake system in top working condition.

What Are Brake Pads?

The brake pads are the major stopping force of your brake system. The pads sit on either side of the rotor. When you engage the brake the pads clench down on the rotor and stop the wheel from spinning. There are different types of brake pads that are made from different types of materials but the goal is always the same. The pads are made to cause friction between the rotor and the pad, this action is transformed into the braking action.

The Wear Down

Brake pads are not indestructible in most cases. The pads will wear down from clamping down on the rotors and causing the friction that stops the vehicle. As your brake pads wear down they will likely omit a chirping noise that will get progressively louder as they become more worn.

There are actually stages to the sounds:

  • Slight chirp
  • Louder chirping
  • Squealing
  • Grinding

You never want to get to the grinding stage. As soon as you hear the chirping when you step on the brakes it is time to get the brake pads replaced. When you get to the squealing, grinding stage you may be causing damage to your rotors which will cost you more money to have repaired. It is far better for both you and your brakes if you act quickly when you first recognize that your brakes are making a strange noise.

Cost Savings

Of course safety should always trump everything else but you should know that there is a great deal of cost savings that can be realized by acting quickly. Having good quality brake pads installed on your vehicle can keep other parts in your brake system from becoming damaged. You have safety and cost savings are your motivator, go get your brake pad replacement in Minneapolis at Richfield Transmission today!

Richfield Transmission Center can expertly replace your brake pads. Your brake pad replacement in Minneapolis at Richfield Transmission Center will keep you safe and save you money. Contact Richfield Transmission Center for quality repair services.

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