Should You Perform Your Own Brake Jobs?

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Auto

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While driving your car, you hear a funny noise each time you apply the brake pedal. You recognize this sound as brake pad sensors. This tells you it’s time to replace worn brake pads. You now have two main options (if you want your car to be safe). You can replace the pads yourself or take it to auto repair in Columbia specialists. Let’s check out each option.

Doing it Yourself

Replacing brake pads is not a major operation and many people choose to do this work themselves. After all, you only need to remove the old pads and replace them with new ones. However, today’s vehicles are more sophisticated than ones in the past and you could run into some problems.

The first thing you must do is remove the pressure from the brake pads. In the past, this was easily done with a “C” clamp. However, this is not possible with many rear brake pads today. You need a special tool to turn the caliper pistons inward because they contain a parking brake mechanism. If you use a “C” clamp, you will ruin them.

The Value of Professional Assistance

Shops specializing in auto repair in Columbia have all the right tools for the job and they employ certified mechanics who understand your car’s brakes. In addition, most “do it yourselfers” do not bother with resurfacing and checking rotors or brake drums. This is important, because worn brake parts can lead to premature wear and even brake failure at times.

Auto Repair in Columbia the Right Way

When you have professional help with your brakes, there is no need to get all dirty and grimy. Your technician will carefully inspect your entire brake system and only wants to sell you what you need. He is not paid for installing additional parts. This is the best way to ensure your safety.

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