Why Consider Apartments For Rent In Santa Barbara California Rather Than Buying

by | Nov 18, 2016 | Real Estate Services

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While owning a home or dwelling place is considered part of the American Dream for some, it may not be financially or emotionally right for you at this time. Some people never aspire to own a house or condo and would rather consider renting for a variety of reasons.

No Selling

Once you’ve outgrown the condo or home, or have to relocate, selling it can be difficult, especially in a down market. However, condos are even tougher to sell because everyone has to approve of the new person, which is sometimes impossible.

No Tax

Apartments for rent in Santa Barbara California mean that you don’t have to pay property taxes each year. This can be a huge savings, depending on the area and other factors, but you won’t have to pay it. The owner of the building must pay any taxes associated with the property.

No Maintenance

You’ll never have to worry about mowing the lawn or finding someone to fix the roof because the owner of the building or his resident supervisor deals with all that. Of course, you’ll want to mention if something goes on the fritz or when you notice the lawn looks shabby, but you won’t have to do it yourself or find someone to handle the job.


If you buy a home or apartment, you’re stuck with it until you get enough money to move again. However, when you consider apartments for rent in Santa Barbara California, you have a lease of one year, though some will offer month-to-month leases. If you need to leave the area for a few months or choose to leave forever, you have no legal ties to the area after the lease is up. However, you may also be able to lease the apartment on a long-term basis, depending on the owner.

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