Mediation is a type of non-adversarial meeting where a neutral individual–the mediator–takes the time to meet with individuals who cannot agree on how to settle a child custody dispute. It is important to understand that the mediator doesn’t have the power to impose their solution on the parties, but can help them in creating an agreement that works for both people. However, in some courts, the mediator may be asked to make a recommendation if the parties are unable to reach an agreement. If a person is considering using the services of a mediator for child custody purposes, it is a good idea to hire a child custody mediation lawyer in Miamisburg, OH.
There are a number of crucial reasons why going through mediation is so important. In fact, it is often a preferred option to litigation for resolving issues with child custody. However, many parents want more information about the mediation process prior to entering into it.
The mediation process usually doesn’t involve any type of expert witness. However, it is up to the parties if they want to hire a child custody mediation lawyer in Miamisburg, OH. While an attorney is not required, they can be helpful in these situations.
Also, mediation typically helps the parties reach a settlement after a period of approximately five to 10 hours. This time is usually split up over a period of a week or two. This makes it much timelier than child custody litigation, which may drag on for several months, or even years.
Mediation is beneficial because it can help enhance the communication between parents and makes it much more likely that they can cooperate after the separation or divorce when it comes to raising children. Experts who have actually studied the effects that divorce have on children have universally concluded that when parents who are separating or divorcing cooperate, then the children are going to suffer much less.
When it comes to child custody, there is no question that the issue can be touchy and emotional. Learning about mediation can help ensure a person is able to make an educated decision regarding whether or not this is the right option for their needs. More information about this process can be found by those who take some time to click here.