Calling A Heating Service in Huntsville, AL To Maintain A Furnace

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When a homeowner has a furnace in their home to heat the interior space, it will be necessary to do routine maintenance to ensure it works properly. Failing to evaluate the condition of a furnace regularly can lead to unnecessary downtime. Here are some of the steps a Heating Service in Huntsville, AL will take when they go to a home to maintain a furnace.

Cleanout The Combustion Chamber

The combustion chamber will become dirty over time. If ash is not removed from this area, the pilot light may not work properly, leading to a possible no-heat condition as a result. A heating service will have the right tools available to scrape charred remains from the interior of the lighting area. They will then use a commercial-grade vacuum cleaner to remove this debris in its entirety.

Change The Filters If Necessary

If the furnace runs on heating oil, it will be necessary to swap the oil filter with a new one each year. They will come to the home with a replacement filter, allowing the furnace to be serviced on-the-spot rather than the homeowner needing to wait for a part to be ordered. The heating service will also take a look at the air filter and replace it with a new one if the old one appears to be dirty.

Check Over The Flue Pipe

If the flue pipe has a crack present within its structure, the exhaust will be emitted into the home. It is extremely important that this pathway is free of damage, so the air makes its way outdoors without a problem. If a crack is found, a special tape may be used to patch the pipe. Larger holes will require the pipe is replaced.

If there is a need to hire a Heating Service in Huntsville, AL, finding the right business to handle the job is important. Take a look at the website to find out more about the many services they offer to their customers. An appointment can be made to have a routine maintenance session if desired. A service employee will then be dispatched to take a look at the furnace and will be able to make recommendations regarding the improvement of efficiency if desired.

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