Signs it’s Time to Head to an Emergency Medical Center in Beaumont, TX

by | Jan 9, 2018 | Healthcare

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Nearly all medical patients experience at least a few medical emergencies over the course of their lifetimes. When these situations arise, it can be difficult for patients and their families to decide whether it’s best to wait for normal doctor’s hours and schedule an appointment or to head to an Emergency Medical Center in Beaumont TX. The information below is intended to help make that call a little bit easier.

Symptoms of Heart Attacks

Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack should head to the emergency room immediately. These symptoms often include chest pain, shortness of breath, and pain in either the left arm or the jaw. Seeking immediate attention in the event of a heart attack can be a matter of life or death, so even patients who are not sure whether or not they are having a heart attack should absolutely get to the ER immediately.

Significant Changes in Mental State

Significant confusion or changes in a patient’s mental state can be attributed to a wide number of underlying problems, but what they all have in common is that they need to be taken seriously. If the patient’s confusion is accompanied by sudden loss of balance, severe headaches, trouble speaking, or weakness in the face, it might be a symptom of a stroke. These should never be ignored.

Head Trauma

Similarly, serious trauma to the head should always be considered good cause for heading to the ER. Head injuries accompanied by loss of consciousness, fainting, or severe bleeding are often accompanied by less visible symptoms such as swelling in the brain and even brain damage. The best way to ensure a good patient outcome is to get to an Emergency Medical Center in Beaumont TX immediately.

Acute Trauma

Broken bones, severe burns, and severe bleeding are most frequently the result of acute trauma. Whether the patient has just been in a car accident or has become injured via some other means, it’s important to seek professional medical attention as quickly as possible.

Extreme Fevers

While mild fevers are generally nothing to worry about, patients whose fevers are spiking over 105 degrees need emergency care. Extremely high fevers can lead to seizures and other complications, especially in children. Head to Riceland Healthcare or another local facility immediately to prevent serious repercussions.

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