What to Do When Your Child is Injured

by | Jun 11, 2018 | Health

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Kids get into scrapes all the time. Here are helpful tips on how to handle the hurt.

Stay calm

If you’re the type to faint at the sight of blood, then you may find it a bit hard to deal with the situation when your kids end up with bloody wounds and injuries. Breathe through it and stay calm. Your kids will take their cue from you. If you’re not in a mad panic, then they’ll learn to settle down that much quicker, Today’s Parent says.

Observe the signs

Some injuries require nothing more than a kiss, cleaning solution, and band-aid. However, if you want to make sure your child suffers from no broken bones or has signs that point to common illnesses like an eye or ear infection, allergies, stomachaches and more, then bringing your child to the doctor is a much better move to make. Getting the all-clear from a trained physician will always go a long way to give you peace of mind.

Look beyond the ER

Getting your child to the ER can mean longer waiting times. And when you reach out to doctors in private practice, you’ll need to call ahead to book an appointment. Don’t want to deal with the hassle? Look beyond private practices and ERs to Urgent care facilities in Irvine. That’s going to mean a shorter wait. Added to that, you can come in as a walk-in patient without calling ahead for an appointment. If you want convenience and ease, then these facilities are a good option to consider.

Pick the right one

Look for the right Urgent care facility in Irvine. Consider their schedule, for starters. Does it work with your own? What kind of injuries do they treat? Do they have trained and licensed physicians to treat kids and adults? Find out before you pick a facility.

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