What to Expect at Your New Baby’s First Checkup

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Health

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Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. A week or two after you bring your baby home, it will be time for him or her to have a new baby checkup in North Charleston, SC. Check out this guide to learn what you can expect during your first appointment.

Filling Out Paperwork

Expect to fill out plenty of paperwork, including insurance information and information about your baby. Bring your insurance card, hospital paperwork and any information about pregnancy complications, as well as information about your medical history, to make the paperwork easier to fill out.

Meeting the Nurse and Doctor

You’ll meet your doctor’s nurse and primary doctor during your first visit. The nurse will check weight, measure height and width, determine head circumference and perform other basic tests. The doctor will examine your baby, provide you with necessary information and answer any questions you have.

Baby’s Checkup

During the new baby checkup in North Charleston, SC, you and the doctor will discuss several things. He or she will want to talk about how well your baby is eating, sleeping patterns, and what your expectations are for vaccinations when the baby is old enough.

Questions to Ask

At the end of the appointment, you’ll get a chance to ask questions. It is a good idea to write questions down beforehand so that you don’t forget any. You can ask about anything from feeding schedules and bathing procedures to whether your baby’s behavior is normal. Remember, there is no such thing as a silly question.

Finding a pediatrician should occur before your baby is born. When looking for someone to perform a new baby checkup in North Charleston, SC, search for an experienced and licensed doctor who has an excellent reputation with current and former patients. Click here for more information.

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