How Family Medicine In Idaho Falls ID Supports Proactive Health

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Health

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There are two very different ways that patients are able to access health care in the United States. One is through their family doctor or primary care physician and the other is through urgent or emergency care services. While the last two are different in scope of the cases they treat, there is considerable overlap for many issues that doctors and staff in these facilities may see in a day.

In using a family medicine in Idaho Falls ID doctor in a clinic or office the patient regularly attends, several advantages occur for the patient. These advantages are very different from using the “care as needed” services of an urgent care clinic or the emergency room.

Understanding the Patient

Through the use of family medicine in Idaho Falls ID doctors, the professional has a better understanding of the family health history and the unique needs of each person he or she treats.

This provides the doctor with the information needed to provide early screening and monitoring for known health issues in a family. It also allows the doctor to support the family in working with a chronic health condition that may be present in one or more individuals within the family.

Preventative Medicine

With urgent care or immediate care clinics or emergency room treatments, all that is being addressed are current health issues. With the use of family medicine in Idaho Falls ID through regular appointments, preventative health can be the focus.

For example, your family physician can set up vaccination and immunization schedules, complete annual health and well-being checkups and even coordinate with patients to support weight loss and fitness goals.

This is not possible through emergency room or urgent care clinic visits. This is simply not the focus of these medical services, but it is the hallmark of a top primary care or family physician. For more information visit Ridgeline Medical.

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