Lower Your Energy Bills with the Power of the Sun

by | Jun 28, 2019 | Solar

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The sun is the most powerful source of energy available to the planet. It is renewable source of energy that can be harnessed for human needs. The sun emits radiation that can be collected with the use of solar panels and used to power many different things. Did you know that if we were able to collect the full radiation of the sun for just an hour it could then be used to provide energy to the whole planet for an entire year? That is the power of our star.

You Have Many Incentives to go Solar

Currently you can even apply for a €3800 grant to make the switch to solar power for your home or business. The biggest advantage to going solar is because it will lower your energy bills significantly. It has been found that the most efficient solar panels could lower your monthly energy costs but up to 50%. You can enjoy the same power you have always had while only paying half the price.

Easy to Care For

Solar panels are a green energy solution and are both silent and odourless. The other advantage of them is that a solar energy system is maintenance free and will also improve your homes BER (Building Energy Rating). Homes that were constructed after January of 2007 are required to have a certain BER rating if they are to be rented or leased. Solar panels not only provide that but do so while helping to keep money in your pocket.

Speak to the Professionals

Solar Electric started in Ireland in the early part of 2012. They started small with businesses and households and eventually were given contracts for larger companies and the Defence Forces. Their knowledge and experience in pioneering the field of solar panels means they can provide to you the finest quality money saving solutions. Talk to them today and ask about solar panel grants in Dublin to see if you qualify.

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