There are a variety of cosmetic dental procedures that create a lasting change on the function and look of your teeth. They include porcelain crowns, porcelain veneers, dental implants and dental bridges.
Porcelain crowns
Porcelain crowns are designed to cover the surface of a tooth. Dental crowns can be used for various cosmetic purposes, including covering severely stained teeth, filling in gaps, and also helping in reshaping teeth. They can also be attached to dental implants to function like your natural tooth.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are attached to the surface of a tooth. They can be used for various cosmetic purposes, including changing the colour, shape, and even the length of your natural teeth. If you are unhappy with the gaps or the shape of your teeth, a cosmetic dentist in Sherman Oaks can help.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are also part of cosmetic dental procedures because they have a significant impact on an individual smile. Dental bridges are popular because they can help in restoring your smile and even the shape of your face. Also, getting dental bridges can prevent the reaming teeth from moving out of their position, which can make the loose leading to further tooth loss.
Dental Implants
Dental implants also provide lasting solution to missing teeth. Just like dental bridges, implants can be put in the cosmetic category because they have a significant impact on the way you look. Dental implants can help you eat, talk, smile, and even laugh with confidence. Visit a cosmetic dentist in Sherman Oaks to know if you are the right candidate for implants.
Studio City Orthodontists can help with all your cosmetic dentistry needs. Visit their website to learn about their services.