How a Divorce Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL, Can Help You in Family Court

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Lawyers

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Facing the end of your marriage is an emotional situation, but hiring a divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, FL, provides you with a rational advocate. There are more reasons to consider hiring a lawyer to help with your divorce, so it’s something you should consider before moving forward. Here are a few more reasons to work with an attorney in family court.

Fight on Equal Terms

A divorce creates an adversarial legal conflict that requires knowledge of family law and specialized legal expertise. If your spouse hires a lawyer and you don’t, you will start out at a disadvantage. Your spouse’s attorney will likely use the law against you, knowing you don’t have the experience to offer a strong defense.

Protect Your Assets

One part of the divorce is called the discovery phase, which requires each party to share documents concerning all of their assets. If your spouse is hiding assets from you, your lawyer can find out about those hidden funds. Additionally, your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure the division of assets is fair.

Pursue Child Custody

Determining child custody is a complex issue, and the judge will be primarily concerned with acting in the child’s best interests. While your actions will affect the judge’s decision, your divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, FL, will also be able to help you seek custody. The right attorney can help you retain your parental rights or improve the custody arrangement.

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