5 Things Every Owner Should Ask at the Vet Clinic in Bridgeport

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Pet Clinic

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It’s best to visit your veterinarian regularly for check-ups to ensure that your pet stays healthy. When you visit for a routine check-up, your vet will run standard exams and test which will clear your pet with a clean bill of health, however, it’s just as important to ask questions while you’re at the vet as it is to take your pet in. The more you learn from your vet, the better you’ll be able to care for your pet at home. If you’re having an issue with your pet’s behavior or any other habits, the best place to ask is at your veterinary clinic as well.

Before your next appointment at your vet clinic in Bridgeport know what questions to ask about your pet. Here are five things every owner should ask their vet.

Should I Make Changes to My Pet’s Diet?

Bring up your pet’s nutrition at your vet clinic as well. You can tell them what dog food you’re using along with anything else you feed your dog. They will be able to give your insight into whether or not you should make changes to their diet.

Is My Pet at a Healthy Weight?

Ask your pet about the appropriate weight range for your dog’s breed. It’s important to make sure your pet maintains a healthy weight for good overall health. If your pet is overweight, your vet clinic will be able to make recommendations to help correct their weight and diet.

What Shots Does My Pet Need?

Be sure to ask your vet whether or not your pet is up to date with their shots. It’s important to make sure they’re protected.

Can You Explain My Bill?

Lastly, you should ask your vet to clarify your bill so you know what you’re getting charged for and that you’re being billed correctly.

Visit Urban PetRX website for more information.

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