What Does Body Contouring in Longmont Involve?

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Skin Care

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One of the many realizations that people make while they grow up is the fact that it takes work, dedication, and patience to achieve the body that they want. For many people, this is possible through regular exercise and proper diet.

However, for some people, a desired result may not be as easily achieved through willpower and habit. For these people, there are options such as body contouring to consider. Body contouring is typically done by a technician at a specialized clinic.

What Kinds of Procedures Are There?

The process of body contouring can be done in a few different ways, and the exact method chosen depends on the equipment and expertise of the technician working with you. Body contouring in Longmont comes in forms of skin tightening and muscle toning.

Skin tightening makes use of radio frequencies to stimulate the production of collagen, which helps to enhance the appearance of your skin. Muscle toning works by a similar means, but relies on electrical muscle stimulation to cause your muscles to contract involuntarily, functionally exercising them to build more muscle through non-surgical means.

Are There Any Preparations Necessary?

Because body contouring in Longmont is often referred to as a procedure, even though it is not surgical and has little to no downtime, you may worry about any preparations you need to do in order to achieve optimal results. The exact preparations you should make will depend on the type of contouring that you will receive at the studio, but reliable technicians such as the ones at J Marie Skin Studio will walk you through method-specific preparations well before the contouring takes place.

Otherwise, as a rule of thumb, you should avoid any situations that would leave sunburns on the area that will be treated. On the day of the procedure, you should not use any skin products on the targeted areas. This includes creams, ointments, and lotions. People who are prone to bruising should avoid medication that affects bleeding.

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