3 Things You Need to Know about Florida Child Support

by | Feb 2, 2022 | Law

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There is a lot parents need to know about Florida child support. The system is no more or less complicated than you find in other states, but if you are new to the system, understanding it can be challenging.

The best thing you can do if you have questions about child support is to contact a family attorney. That said, here is some basic information that can help you deal with your situation:

1. Florida Child Support is Calculated Using a Formula Established by State Law

The child support payment amount is based on the income of the parents and needs of the child.

Florida parents are obligated to provide support for their children. The state uses an “Income Shares Model” for determining payments. This means the family court system attempts to estimate the amount of money the parents would have spent on their children if they remained together and were not divorcing.

Once determined, that amount is then divided between the two parents, based on their incomes. This means the specific amount varies from family to family.

2. Child Support Payments Come Directly from Paychecks

Once the payment amount is determined, the payments are withheld from the paying parent’s paycheck and sent directly to the recipient parent. This makes it convenient and drastically reduces the risk of a parent “forgetting” or not bothering to make payments. It also makes it easier for the court to oversee payments.

3. Child Support Payments Can Be Modified

Child support can be modified based on a child’s needs. The most common reasons for adjustment include:

  • Adoption
  • Significant change in circumstances
  • Marriage of the child

If you are the paying or recipient parent and you believe that there is a need for modification of a Florida child support arrangement, you should speak to an attorney.

Florida Child Support

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