Winston-Salem Disability Attorneys Help Clients With Rare Conditions

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Men and women who have worked enough to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are eligible if they become unable to work full-time for at least a year. Some injuries and illnesses are relatively common, but others are rare. A Social Security disability attorney in Winston-Salem can represent clients who are planning to apply, as well as those wanting to appeal a denial.

Lightning Strikes

An example of an injury the administration agents rarely see is the aftermath of being struck by lightning. Although people generally think of this occurrence as almost unheard of, it actually happens to hundreds of individuals in the United States every year. Some experience negative lifetime consequences that may impair their ability to hold a full-time job.

Relevant Statistics

About 90% of lightning strike victims survive, according to the Centers for Disease Control. However, only around 25% fully recover. The long-term aftereffects range from minor to serious. Disabling injuries could include nerve damage and negative effects on the brain. As with any applicant, the Social Security Administration will want verification that the person can no longer work full-time.

Getting Application Assistance

The administration denies most applications for SSDI, although they approve many appeals. A Social Security disability attorney in Winston Salem knows the types of documentation necessary to include. Completing the application is complicated, and many claims are denied because the paperwork was filled out incorrectly or some required information was left out. The lawyer can assist with this as well.

Details about the law firm Collins Price, PLLC are provided.

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