Best Farming Apps Support Communication Throughout the Supply Chain

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Effective traceability of agricultural products is a core value for farmers and food producers. Effective communication at every step of the supply chain is included in the principle of traceability. The best farming apps are smart farming technologies that support data-driven communication between farmers, harvesters and collection centers, packers, transportation suppliers, processing plants, storage suppliers, and buyers.

Visibility to the Last Mile

Supply chain communication is a core element of supply chain traceability. Utilizing a single platform to connect farms with the food value chain increases efficiency and internal control. The farming apps help close information gaps in a dispersed supply chain that can extend worldwide.

Early identification of potential issues through data collection supports communication with the people at the point of concern so that problems are resolved early and before the flow of products is interrupted. The best farming apps digitize data up and down the supply chain in a single platform for ease of information access.

Digital Agriculture Supports Collaboration

Innovation in the agriculture and food supply industries is the primary key to ensuring food safety and availability. The best farming apps are mobile applications that promote collaboration among the people and businesses feeding the world.

Following are a few of the ideal features of a mobile app solution:

  • Single platform delivers visibility from farm to retailer
  • Enables data-driven decision-making
  • Collects critical data on crop details, logistics, chain of custody, etc.
  • Supports farm monitoring
  • Data feeds an agriculture software solution for advanced analytics and reporting
  • Delivers real-time business intelligence

This level of information delivered on demand promotes communication and collaboration among all the parties in the value chain.

SourceTrace offers innovative agricultural solutions for tracing and managing products from fields to stores. You can easily contact us just by visiting our website or check out our Twitter account for more updates.

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