Tips on making cut flowers last longer

by | Nov 4, 2013 | Florists

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Flowers are a genuine delight and add to any home or office environment. The only problem with flowers in Charleston WV is that they are perishable and they do not last long. There are a few ways that you can extend the time that they remain fresh looking, in many cases the florist will include a life extending concoction with the delivery but if not, there are things around the house that can also do the job, these include soft drinks with sugar, an aspirin or a shot of vodka.

No one knows better than the florist just how time sensitive cut flowers can be. In many cases the flowers that are being delivered began their journey to your home in Asia or Africa, where many flowers are grown for global distribution. To make the blooms last longer, the florist usually sends along a packet of powder that adds nourishment to the cut blooms and stops the formation of bacteria which results in decay of the plants. The powder is added to fresh water in the vase and then the arrangement is placed in the vase. On a daily basis until the flowers simply have gone beyond saving, pour half the water off and refill it with fresh water, this replenishes the oxygen in the water and the blooms should last a minimum of a week.

If this powder is not supplied, add an aspirin tablet to the water. The ingredients in an aspirin are almost identical to the ingredients in the florist’s powder. The addition of an aspirin will also extend the time that the flowers look good to upwards of a week. If you cut the stems at an angle this also helps as more of the interior of the stem is exposed to the water and aspirin mix and this results in more water flowing up the stem to the bloom.

Bright flowers in Charleston, WV can often be kept in that state longer by adding a shot of vodka along with a shot or two of sugary soda such as Sprite®. The sugar tends to add nourishment while the vodka kills off any bacteria by sterilizing the water. This little trick also helps bring out the aroma of the flowers which is ideal when the flowers are roses or carnations.

Business Name offer same day delivery in the greater Charleston area and have been doing so since 1947.

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