A Family Dentist in Madison, AL Keeps Teeth and Gums Healthy

by | Aug 2, 2013 | Dentistry

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Selecting a family dentist Madison AL practice is one of the most important decision that a family makes. It’s just as important as choosing a family doctor. Many of the bacteria that are found in diseased teeth and gums can spread throughout a patient’s body. When this happens, the patient can get quite sick. A person’s smile is also one of their most important assets. If the teeth are yellow or even missing, it doesn’t send a positive image to the people they meet. It’s even worse if the person is suffering from bad breath as well.

If someone is suffering from bad breath, they should definitely see their Family dentist Madison Al. The dentist will thoroughly clean and inspect their mouth looking for signs of decay and infection. Many forms of gum disease can now be treated successfully at the person’s general dentist. A periodontist is only required for advanced cases. Once any cavities and gum disease has been treated, the person can expect to have their clean and fresh breath back.

Chipped and missing teeth can make people too self-conscious to socialize. They may visit their family dentist Madison AL regularly to have them check for cavities and to clean their teeth, but they may not realize the techniques available to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. Dental implants are titanium screws that take the place of a tooth’s root. They are inserted into a patient’s jaw bone. After about 8 weeks, a porcelain crown can be attached to it. Only a trained eye will know that it’s not a real tooth.

Veneers are thin shells made of resin or porcelain that fit over the front of a patient’s teeth. They can create uniform shaped and sized teeth, fill in awkward gaps and hide stained-teeth that resist whitening products. If resin veneers are used, they can be made and attached to the teeth in only one visit. Some people prefer porcelain veneers, because they think that they are more realistic. In that case the Family dentist Madison Al takes and impression of the teeth and sends them to a dental laboratory. The patient must return for a second visit to have them attached.

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