A Few Tips on Cleaning Product Safety

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Cleaning Services

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Cleaning products are undoubtedly an important part of everyday life, especially if you work in the janitorial industry. You can’t perform your job well without investing in the right cleaning products, but knowing the safest ways to use these products is just as important. If you neglect this part of the job, you risk putting yourself and other occupants of your work environment in danger.

Unfortunately, there’s a wealth of misinformation out there about how to utilize cleaning products effectively. The purpose of this article is to dispel the myths. Keep reading to learn how not to use or combine the cleaning products you interact with on a daily basis.

Steer Clear of Vents

When it comes to chemical storage and exposure, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. This rule is especially pertinent for storing your cleaning products. Don’t place them near any vents, as the gases released by the chemicals can easily travel into the vents and travel through the air of your work environment, creating toxicity.

Don’t Combine Products, Ever

Combining different cleaning products tends to create more harm than good. Never combine cleaning solutions together, regardless of how compatible they may seem. You never know how the chemicals in two different cleaning products may interact when combined.

Document Each and Every Product

It’s always a good idea to take extensive inventory of each of the cleaning products included in your supply. Ideally, you should not only record the name and function of each product, but also the best method of storing each product, what storage and usage methods may present the most danger, the location each product is kept in and the quantity of each product in your possession. This will make it easier to take proper care of each of your cleaning products, as well as stay on top of when it may be time to restock.

To learn more about the best cleaning products and restock your supply, contact Alpha Supply Warehouse at (888) 780-2752 or visit their website.

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