Viewing, possessing, and promoting child pornography are some of the citizenry’s most hated nonviolent offenses. The stigma connected with this behavior is significant, and the punishment can be severe. A Texas resident charged with possession of child pornography needs a skilled, experienced San Antonio criminal lawyer to prevent the worst consequences.
How does a defense lawyer handle a case after police find child pornography on a person’s computer or phone?
Email Attachments
Someone may have sent the material by email without the person requesting it. A computer forensics expert might be able to show that the defendant had never opened the attachment.
Although it may sound far-fetched, there are cases in which an individual sends an email with this type of attachment for malicious reasons. That man or woman wants the recipient to get into trouble. After sending the attachment, this person gives the police an anonymous tip.
Not Realizing the Age
A San Antonio criminal lawyer also could explain that the client did not know the picture was of a minor. This may be effective if the girl or boy definitely looks older. There could be an outright deception with a statement that the age is 18 or older.
Concluding Thoughts
A conviction for this charge can result in a years-long prison sentence. The person will always have to deal with the stigma associated with the offense. To prevent the worst consequences, someone dealing with this situation may learn about the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez on their website.