Acquiring Medical Evidence With Chicago Disability Attorneys

by | Jan 8, 2014 | Legal Services

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Chicago disability attorneys are your first point of contact after you are denied supplemental security income. By law, you have the right initiate an appeal for your case in which a judge determine whether you are eligible for these disability benefits. At any time that you are denied, you can present this documentation to an attorney for review. Your attorney presents you with facts related to eligibility and how you can establish this concept in court. To speak to an attorney about disability or supplemental security income, contact Jeffrey A. Rabins and Associates today.

Your Own Doctor

It is beneficial to you to file a claim through the court system for disability benefits as it presents you with the opportunity to utilize your own medical evidence. This evidence comes directly from the doctor who diagnosed your condition and has been providing treatment. The evidence does not come from a doctor is unfamiliar with your condition and unfamiliar with its progression.

Your Local Disability Attorneys

Jeffrey A. Rabins and Associates are Chicago disability attorneys who fight for the rights of disabled individual in these proceedings. These attorneys help you to establish eligibility in your case through a hearing. Within this hearing you are initiate your right to an appeal after the Social Security Administration has denied you of these benefits. These attorneys help you throughout this case and allow you to address the judge in these matters. To hire an attorney in Chicago to fight for disability benefits, contact Jeffrey A. Rabins and Associates or visit the website at


Chicago disability attorneys provide you with effective legal counsel in disability proceedings. These attorneys assist you in presenting your own medical evidence to a judge who reviews your case and makes a decision based on this evidence and your claim. Unlike filing a claim with the Social Security Administration, you are not required to visit doctors other than your own to acquire evidence. All medical evidence used to make a determination comes straight from your own doctor that diagnosed your condition and has since provided treatment. To hire an attorney to assist you in disability proceedings, contact Jeffrey A. Rabins and Associates.

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