Add Truck Tires to Your Shop’s Offerings by Buying Wholesale Tires in Kentucky

by | Apr 25, 2014 | Shopping

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Whether you run a truck repair shop, a truck stop, or a similar store that is on a road that has plenty of truck traffic, you have an easy way to expand your business: Sell truck tires. Tires are an especially good fit for mechanics. Your shop will be able to handle both the sales and installation, and since truckers want to get moving again as fast as possible, they’ll appreciate being able to get their tire changes completed quickly.

Even if your company isn’t in the truck repair business, selling tires is a great way to make some more money. Truckers stopping at a truck stop will be glad to grab a few if they see that you have a good deal. If you want to increase sales even more, just add an area where you can have someone install them. Even though some truckers can install their own tires, there are plenty that can’t and who will be glad to have someone else do it for them.

The main thing that holds those in truck-related businesses back from offering tires is that they don’t know where to get them. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem. You can buy Kentucky wholesale tires from a company like Ben Tire Distributors. This makes it much easier to get into tire sales because it allows you to skip restrictions like volume requirements. You’ll also have instant access to a good variety of tire brands without the need to sign up with each manufacturer individually. Such one-stop shopping is great for all sorts of truck-related businesses.

Distributors like Ben Tire don’t have a problem with small dealers. In fact, they cater to the little guy. You can buy just enough tires to take care of an occasional customer or as many as are needed to satisfy the needs of a huge truck stop with a multi-bay repair facility. There is no need to settle for odd brands when you buy wholesale tires in Kentucky, either. You can get tires made by GoodYear, Firestone, Cooper, General Tire, and others. Since many people prefer to buy familiar brands, this makes it much easier to resell the tires.

Click here for more information.

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