A physician who is trained and specializes in diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and asthma is called an allergist. He is mainly trained to establish and treat everything that trigger allergies and asthma. These diseases have lately become a major health problem. If you have such illness, contact an experienced and qualified Allergist in Elizabethtown KY.
What is an allergy?
An allergy occurs when one is hypersensitive to some things and foods. This is characterised by itchiness to the skin, red eye, running nose, hives or even an asthma attack. When environmental harmless substances react with your immune system, it may end up causing allergic reactions. These reactions are rapid and predictable. Certain white blood cells undergo an excessive activation with immunoglobulin called an antibody.
Many allergens are airborne such as dust or pollen which causes a reaction with the parts in contact with air such as lungs, nose and eyes. Hay fever which is an allergic rhinitis causes discomfort and irritation of the nose, itching, sneezing and a red eye. Asthmatic triggers can also be inhaled through these parts causing the airway to be narrow. This brings about a lot of mucus being produced in the lungs, breath shortness, wheezing and coughing.
The Allergist Helps by Doing the Following:
- Controlling or preventing allergies and asthma effectively requires patience, skills and planning hence allowing the allergist to develop a treatment plan for your condition.
- The symptoms of allergies and asthma develop as time goes by hence causing the affected to become used to the symptoms. An allergist will come in handy to control or prevent these symptoms.
- The allergist will conduct some tests to determine the allergens involved.
- An allergist helps you to avoid and decrease the chances of you being exposed to allergens.
- The allergist will prescribe to you the best medication for your condition
See the Allergist if:
- Over the counter medication does not control the allergy symptoms or they create a side effect that you were not expecting.
- There is an interference of your day to day activities due to allergies and asthma
- You experience difficulty in breathing and nasal congestion
- Coughing of wheezing often after exercises or at night.
For your best treatment of asthma and allergies you can visit the Allergist at Accredited Asthma Allergy and Food Intolerance Center of Elizabethtown KY or Accredited Asthma, Allergy and Food Intolerance Center. For more information log on to website.