All Women Need to Keep Their Men at Home: Bearskin Rugs and Fireplaces in Columbus, Ohio!

by | Sep 5, 2013 | Home Improvement

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Ladies, if you fear the day will come when your man’s attention might strays to a greener pasture, have no fear. All you need to keep your guy at home and completely focused on you is a bearskin rug (or sleeping bag, or strategically placed cushions, or, or, or ….) in front of one of the many beautiful fireplaces in Columbus Ohio. Add some romantic music, a little wine, perhaps a bottle of perfumed massage oil … and … you get the picture.

Now, back up for a moment. Imagine the above scene sans the fireplace. Ummm …. somehow it doesn’t have quite the same impact, does it? There is just something about that flickering flame, the snap and crackle of sap catching fire within the logs, the scent of wood smoke, the warmth that helps to create a one of a kind ambiance that just isn’t the same with the fireplace removed. In fact, chances are, he’d rather drink a beer and watch the game, or even go out and see what the boys are up to, without the fireplace.

A wood burning fireplace has the same impact on one’s sensory receptors as a remote cabin in the woods with a wood burning wood stove does in the middle of a blizzard. It just is sort of … elemental. Like some other things that come to mind. What is it about that firelight flickering gently over the room? Somehow it managed to reduce all of the outside world with its hustle, bustle and interruptions to the lowest common denominators that two people in love aspire to reach … romance.

So if you already have that wonderful fireplace just sitting there unused in your living room, it’s time to light a fire … even if you have to turn on the air conditioning to do it! And if you don’t, it just might be about that time where you call a home remodeling professional to install a fireplace in your home.

For centuries, fireplaces have been the heart of a home. We’re no doubt genetically engineered to respond to the sight, scent and sound of logs cracking cheerfully on the hearth. If you don’t already have a fireplace to fire up, consider the addition of one. It’s unlikely that any other improvement will do so much to improve the sensuality of your life as a fireplace!

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