Although Many Still Fear Them, Elevator Breakdowns are Far Less Common Than Before

by | Jun 23, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Getting stuck in an elevator is an experience that few who go through it will ever forget. In all of modern life, there are few common events that leave people feeling more trapped or vulnerable, even if most of these incidents are resolved quickly and safely. In fact, these problems are rarer than many people would suppose, a fact that owes largely to the high standards of elevator maintenance that are now the norm.

Despite that, specialists at Elevator Repair in Washington DC are still frequently called upon for their skills, whether that means providing a fix that will free trapped passengers or work of a more routine kind. Most of these appointments boil down to one of a few common things, each of which is typically resolved fairly easily.

The single most common class of breakdown addressed by experts at Elevator Repair in Washington DC centers around the electric winches that are responsible for lifting and lowering most elevators. Although these devices are designed to give years of service without fail, the moving parts that they are so flush with and the forces they are subject to means that problems can and do develop.

Many times, though, these issues announce themselves well before they can produce stuck passengers. Instead, it is common for those who inspect and oversee elevators to notice strange, disconcerting sounds developing, with these often being signs of incipient problems with a winch.

When these issues are caught so early on, companies like Elevator Technologies Inc. can typically provide a fix without even needing to shut an elevator down for long. Many times, a simple bit of lubrication will help to head off any further problems with a winch, and even a needed part replacement can often be accomplished in an hour or so.

Of course, regular maintenance helps just as much as keen attention does when all things are considered. Between these two helpful preventative approaches, the number of outright breakdowns to be expected in the area has been steadily declining for decades. That is good news for just about everyone because it means that getting stuck in an elevator is far less common than in the past.

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