Reconsideration or appeal is the only option for overturning the SSA’s decision about your Social Security disability claim. When getting started, you can talk to Social Security disability lawyers in Charlotte, NC to determine if you need to add more evidence to your lawsuit. Conclusive information and medical records improve your chance of approval.
Complete Medical Records
In your SSI or SSDI application, you disclosed details about your disability and the doctors that treat you. When assessing your case, a caseworker collects the medical records and determines if you are eligible for monthly benefits. Complete medical records showed when you were diagnosed and how the doctors treated the disability. When appealing, Social Security disability lawyers in Charlotte, NC request all records from your doctor and evaluate all the information.
Where You Hospitalized After Applying?
Claimants with severe mental conditions that have been hospitalized even temporarily report the hospital stay to the SSA. During hospitalization, additional doctors assess your mental disorder and could shed more light on how it affects your everyday life.
Many patients enter the hospital after falling into psychosis. Severe mental conditions could increase your chances of approval if new records show the SSA that your illness causes debilitative effects.
How the Condition Prevents You from Working
Education specialists evaluate all Social Security appeals and determine if there is any job you could do even though you have a disability. Many employers accommodate disabled workers, and if you could become gainfully employed, you might not get approval at the appeals level. Your condition must stop you from working anywhere.
Social Security disability claims help disabled individuals get the monthly support they need. These benefits can help them support themselves and live more independently if they cannot work. Contact Business Name, to discuss your disability appeal.