Auto accident injury attorneys in Miamisburg, OH commonly advise clients not to accept the first settlement offer from an insurance company. That first offer is likely to be much lower than the case is worth. Insurance companies know that the person probably needs money and may be experiencing significant financial struggles while being off of work during recovery.
Insurance Company Cooperation
In some instances, legal representation is not necessary because the insurance company is fully cooperative and because the person’s injuries are not severe. The company quickly pays for repairs to a damaged vehicle or the full replacement value. Maximum medical improvement is reached relatively quickly, and the insurer offers a settlement to pay for all related expenses and lost wages during recovery.
Negotiations with Insurers
However, sometimes a person has been hospitalized for several days or even weeks, has ongoing medical expenses and will be off work for several months at least. Auto accident injury attorneys in Miamisburg, OH may be required to negotiate a fair settlement.
Intangible Factors
Lawyers may want to include compensation for intangible factors in the settlement request. These aspects are difficult for individuals to negotiate without professional legal representation. Lawyers know how much to ask to compensate for emotional trauma, physical pain and suffering, and reduced quality of life.
Insurance adjusters know the basic facts of the case. They have documentation from law enforcement officials and the injured person’s medical team. They may not know the extent of the trouble this individual has been dealing with. They will require verification for certain intangible aspects. For instance, they will probably insist that the claimant schedule an appointment with a mental health professional if psychological trauma is being listed.
Concluding Thoughts
After an injured person hires a lawyer with a firm such as Website Domain, the lawyer may advise them not to talk with the insurance representatives anymore. Questions should be directed to the attorney. Individuals tend to want to be helpful, and they may hurt their case in doing so. Find more information about this particular firm at the website.